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ldquo 是一个疯子干的, rdquo 他说, ldquo 他一定是疯了。 rdquo 的英文翻译


"Is done by a lunatic," he said, "he must be crazy."

ldquo 是一个疯子干的, rdquo 他说, ldquo 他一定是疯了。 rdquo 的英文翻译


/ɪz dʌn baɪ ə luːnətɪk/, hiː sɛd, hiː mʌst bi kreɪzi/


This phrase is used to describe an action or behavior that is irrational, bizarre, or nonsensical. It is often used in a humorous or exaggerated manner to express disbelief or confusion.

Example Sentences:

1. "Did you hear what John did last night? He climbed up a tree and started singing at the of his lungs!" "Wow, that's definitely something a lunatic would do."

2. "I can't believe she spent all her savings on a pet rock. She must be crazy!"

3. "Why are you wearing a winter coat in the middle of summer?" "I don't know, I guess I'm just a lunatic."

4. "I tried to explain the concept of time travel to my cat and she just stared at me like I was a lunatic."

5. "I saw my neighbor talking to her plants and dancing around them. Is she insane or just a gardening enthusiast?"

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Insane - This word has a similar meaning and can be used interchangeably with "lunatic." However, it is more formal and may have negative connotations.

2. Crazy - This word can also be used in place of "lunatic," but it is less specific and can refer to any type of irrational behavior.

3. Nuts - This slang term has a similar meaning but is more informal and may be considered offensive.

4. Bonkers - This word has a playful tone and is often used in a lighthearted manner.

5. Loony - This word is a shortened form of "lunatic" and has a similar meaning.

Editor's Summary:

This phrase is a humorous way to describe irrational or bizarre behavior. It can be used in various contexts, but it is important to use it carefully as it may offend some people. Synonyms such as "insane" and "crazy" can also be used, but they may have different connotations.


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