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ldquo 多余人 rdquo 的英文

1. 多余人 (dū yú rén)

Meaning: Excess person, someone who is not needed or unnecessary in a particular situation.

ldquo 多余人 rdquo 的英文

Usage: This term is usually used to describe a person who is not needed or has no purpose in a certain situation or group.

Example 1: The party was only for close friends, but John invited his coworkers as well. They felt like they were just 多余人 at the party.


Example 2: The new employee was not given any tasks to do on his first day, he felt like a 多余人 in the office.


Synonyms: redundant, unnecessary, surplus, extra


2. Redundant (rɪˈdʌndənt)

Meaning: No longer needed or useful; superfluous.

Usage: This word is often used to describe something that is unnecessary and can be removed without affecting the overall function or purpose.

Example 1: The company decided to downsize and many employees became redundant.


Example 2: The instructions on the package were redundant, as the product was self-explanatory.


Synonyms: unnecessary, superfluous, surplus, extra


3. Excess (ɪkˈsɛs)

Meaning: An amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable.

Usage: This word can be used to describe an amount that is more than what is needed or allowed.

Example 1: The party had an excess of food and drinks, but everyone had a great time.


Example 2: The company's expenses were in excess of their budget for the year.


Synonyms: surplus, extra, overabundance


4. Superfluous (suːˈpəːflʊəs)

Meaning: Unnecessary, especially through being more than enough or not needed for a particular purpose.

Usage: This word is often used to describe something that is excessive and not necessary for a specific purpose.

Example 1: The presentation had too many slides and some were superfluous to the ic.


Example 2: The extra decorations were superfluous and didn't add anything to the party.


Synonyms: redundant, unnecessary, surplus, excess


5. Unnecessary (ʌnˈnɛsəsəri)

Meaning: Not needed or required because it is more than what is necessary or appropriate.

Usage: This word can be used to describe something that is not needed or not suitable for a certain situation.

Example 1: The extra steps in the process were unnecessary and only added more work for the employees.


Example 2: The meeting was cancelled as it was deemed unnecessary by the manager.


Synonyms: redundant, superfluous, surplus, excess



ldquo 多余人 rdquo 的英文可以有多种表达方式,包括excess person、redundant、superfluous、unnecessary等。它们都可以用来描述一个人在某种情况或群体中没有必要或没有目的。在使用时,需要根据具体情况选择最合适的词汇。此外,可以通过添加同义词来丰富表达,使文章更加生动有趣。


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