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ldquo 人说:哀莫大于心死。的英文翻译

一:ldquo 人说:哀莫大于心死。的英文翻译的意思

The English translation of "人说:哀莫大于心死。" is "There is no greater sorrow than to have a dead heart."

ldquo 人说:哀莫大于心死。的英文翻译


Pronunciation: [rén shuō: āi mò dà yú xīn sǐ.]


This phrase is often used to express deep sadness or grief, usually in response to a tragic event or loss. It can also be used to describe a feeling of hopelessness or despair.


1. 他听到自己最亲爱的人去世的消息后,心里充满了哀莫大于心死的感觉。

He felt a deep sense of sorrow and despair upon hearing the news of his loved one's passing.

2. 她的悲伤无法言表,她只能用“哀莫大于心死”来形容自己内心的痛苦。

Her grief was indescribable, and she could only express it by saying "There is no greater sorrow than to have a dead heart."

3. 在这个残酷的世界上,有时候我们会感到哀莫大于心死。

In this cruel world, there are times when we feel like there is no greater sorrow than to have a dead heart.

4. 哀莫大于心死这句话也可以用来形容失去希望和梦想的感觉。

The phrase "There is no greater sorrow than to have a dead heart" can also be used to describe the feeling of losing hope and dreams.

5. 哀莫大于心死,但我们必须学会面对生活中的挑战并继续前进。

There is no greater sorrow than to have a dead heart, but we must learn to face the challenges of life and move forward.


- 悲痛欲绝 (bēi tòng yù jué): extreme grief and sorrow

- 悲伤无比 (bēi shāng wú bǐ): incomparable sadness

- 绝望 (jué wàng): despair

- 心如死灰 (xīn rú sǐ huī): heart as cold as ashes




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