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1. department翻译怎么说?department是什么意思的解释


2. department翻译怎么说?department是什么意思读音读法


3. department翻译怎么说?department是什么意思的用例

1) The marketing department is responsible for promoting the company's products.


2) She works in the accounting department of a large corporation.


3) The English department at this university is well-known for its literature program.


4) He was transferred to the sales department after working in the customer service department for two years.


5) The Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for public health policies.


4. department翻译怎么说?department是什么意思组词

- department store: 百货商店

- art department: 艺术系/部门

- legal department: 法务部门

- research department: 研究部门

- customer service department: 客户服务部门

5. department翻译怎么说?department是什么意思的中英文对照

| 中文 | 英文 |

| --- | --- |

| 部门 | Department |

| 系 | Division |

| 部分 | Section |

| 职能区域 | Functional Area |

| 行业/领域 | Industry/Field |



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