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1.easterly是指东方的、朝东的,也可以表示来自东方的。e.g. The easterly winds brought the smell of the ocean to the city.

2.easterly是一个形容词,读音为/ˈiːstəli/。它是east的形容词形式,意为“东方的”、“朝东的”。e.g. The easterly direction is where the sun rises.

3.easterly作为名词时,指的是从东方吹来的风。例句1:The sailors had a difficult time navigating through the strong easterly winds.(水手们在强劲的东风中航行十分艰难。)例句2:The easterly brought a chill to the air, signaling the start of winter.(东风带来了寒意,预示着冬天的开始。)例句3:We had to change our plans due to the unexpected easterly that delayed our flight.(由于突如其来延误我们航班的东风,我们不得不改变计划。)例句4:The warm easterly breeze was a welcome relief from the scorching heat.(暖和的东风微风让人感到欣慰,远离灼热。)例句5:The weather forecast predicts strong easterlies for tomorrow, so we should prepare for possible delays.(天气预报预测明天将有强劲的东风,所以我们应该准备可能的延误。)

4.easterly可以与其他词组合成新词,如:easterly wind(东风)、easterly direction(东方方向)、easterly current(东流)。例句:The easterly current carried the ship towards the shore.(东流将船带向岸边。)

5.easterly在中文中也可以翻译为“朝东的”、“来自东方的”。例句:Our hotel room had a beautiful view of the easterly sunrise.(我们的酒店房间可以欣赏到美丽的朝东日出景色。)



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