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get through是什么意思

一:get through是什么意思的意思

get through是一个常用的短语,它有多种含义,可以表示“完成”、“通过”、“打通”、“用完”等等。具体含义取决于上下文和使用场景。


get through [ɡet θruː]

get through是什么意思


1. 表示“完成”

在这种用法中,get through通常指完成了一项任务或工作。它可以用来描述完成一件事情所需要的过程或经历。:

- I finally got through my homework after hours of studying.


- It took us a long time to get through all the paperwork.


2. 表示“通过”

当get through表示“通过”的时候,它可以指通过考试、面试、关卡等等。:

- She got through the final exam with flying colors.


- We need to get through the security check before boarding the plane.


3. 表示“打通”


- I've been trying to call her all day, but I couldn't get through.


- Can you try calling again? I couldn't get through the first time.


4. 表示“用完”

当我们想要表达某物已经被用完时,可以使用get through这个短语。:

- We got through all the food at the party.


- I can't believe we got through a whole bottle of wine in one night!



1. I finally got through my to-do list after a long day at work.


2. She was so nervous before her driving test, but she managed to get through it.


3. I've been trying to call the customer service line all morning, but I can't seem to get through.


4. We got through a whole box of tissues while watching that sad movie.


5. It's amazing how quickly we got through all the snacks on our road trip.



1. complete

complete是get through的同义词,它也可以表示“完成”或“结束”。:

- I finally completed my thesis after months of hard work.


- We need to complete this project by the end of the week.


2. pass

pass也可以表示get through中的“通过”含义,但它更常用于考试或测试等情况。:

- Did you hear that John passed his driving test on the first try?


- I studied really hard and managed to pass all my exams with flying colors.


3. connect

connect也可以表示get through中的“打通”的意思,它强调建立或连接两个人之间的通讯。:

- I was finally able to connect with my old friend from high school after years of not talking.


- Can you connect me with the sales department, please?


4. finish

finish可以用来表示get through中的“用完”的含义,它强调完成某件事情或消耗完某物。:

- We finished all the snacks before the movie even started.


- I need to finish this report by tomorrow morning.



get through是一个常用的短语,它有多种含义,可以表示“完成”、“通过”、“打通”、“用完”等等。具体含义取决于上下文和使用场景。除了以上提到的同义词外,也可以根据具体情况使用其他词语来替换get through,如accomplish、survive、exhaust等等。在使用时,需要根据语境选择合适的含义,并注意动词时态和语态的变化。


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