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get out是什么意思

get out是一个常用的英语短语,通常表示“离开”、“出去”、“逃脱”等含义。它可以作为动词短语,也可以作为名词短语使用。

get out是什么意思


get out的音标为/dʒet aʊt/,其中/dʒ/发音类似于中文中的“j”,/e/发音类似于中文中的“e”,/t/发音类似于中文中的“t”,/aʊ/发音类似于中文中的“ao”,最后的/t/发音仅轻轻地触碰舌尖。


1. 作为动词短语时,get out通常表示离开某个地方或者从某个位置移动到另一个位置。:

- I need to get out of the house and take a walk.(我需要离开家里散散步。)

- The cat got out of the box and ran away.(猫从盒子里跑出来逃走了。)

- The students got out of their seats and lined up for recess.(学生们站起来排队上下课间休息。)

2. get out也可以表示逃脱或者避免某种不良情况。:

- I was lucky to get out of that traffic jam before it got worse.(我很幸运在交通堵塞变得更严重之前逃脱了。)

- He needs to get out of this bad habit before it becomes a problem.(他需要在这个坏习惯变成问题之前改掉它。)

3. 作为名词短语,get out通常表示“出版物”或者“公开发表”。:

- The new issue of the magazine will be getting out next week.(杂志的新一期将在下周发行。)

- The company's financial report is getting out tomorrow.(公司的财务报告将在明天公布。)


1. I have to get out of this meeting early to catch my flight.


2. The prisoner managed to get out of his handcuffs and escape from the police car.


3. The students were excited to get out of school and start their summer vacation.


4. The news about the scandal finally got out, causing a lot of public outrage.


5. The company's new product will be getting out next month and everyone is eager to see it.



1. leave:与get out的意思相同,表示离开或者出发。

2. escape:通常指逃脱危险或者困境。

3. depart:正式用语,表示离开某个地方。

4. exit:指从某个建筑物或者场所出去。

5. flee:强调仓促逃跑,通常指为了避免危险而逃跑。


get out是一个非常常用的英语短语,可以作为动词短语表示离开、逃脱等含义,也可以作为名词短语表示出版物或者公开发表。它的同义词包括leave、escape、depart、exit和flee等。在写作中,我们可以根据具体的语境来选择合适的同义词替换get out,以丰富文章的表达方式。


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