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fail to是什麼意思

一:fail to是什麼意思的意思

fail to是一个英语短语,意为“未能做到”,“未成功”,“失败”。它可以用作动词短语,也可以用作名词短语。


fail to的发音为/fel tu:/,其中/t/和/u/的发音要轻一些,重读在第一个音节上。

fail to是什麼意思


1. 作为动词短语,fail to指某人或某事未能达到预期的目标或要求。它常常与动词原形连用,表示某种行为或动作未能实现。

- He failed to pass the exam.


- The company failed to meet its sales target.


2. 作为名词短语,fail to指失败、不成功的状态或结果。

- The project ended in a fail-to.


- The team's fail-to was a disappointment for their fans.



1. He failed to keep his promise, which made me very disappointed.


2. The students failed to understand the teacher's explanation, so they asked for help.


3. The company failed to secure the contract, which led to a loss of a large amount of money.


4. The team failed to score a goal in the last minute of the game, and lost the match.


5. The politician's campaign failed to win him enough votes to be elected.



1. fall short of:与fail to意思相近,指未达到预期的目标或要求。

- The company's profits fell short of expectations.


2. come to nothing:意为“以失败告终”,指某事最终没有任何结果。

- All our efforts came to nothing in the end.


3. be unsuccessful:与fail to意思相近,指某事没有成功。

- The project was unsuccessful due to lack of funding.


4. flop:意为“失败”,通常用来形容某件事情或人表现不佳。

- The new product was a flop in the market.



fail to是一个常用的英语短语,它可以作为动词短语表示某种行为未能实现,也可以作为名词短语指失败的状态或结果。在使用时,可以根据具体的语境选择合适的同义词来替换,从而丰富表达方式。但需要注意的是,fail to通常用于正式场合或书面语,口语中更常用fail、lose等动词来表达类似的意思。


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