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Eyour last words to me.是什么意思

意思:Eyour last words to me.是一句英文,意为“你对我说的最后一句话”。

怎么读(音标):[i: jɔːr lɑːst wɜːdz tuː miː]


Eyour last words to me.是什么意思


1. As she walked away, her last words to me were, "I'll never forget you."


2. His last words to me before he died were, "Take care of yourself and your family."


3. She whispered her last words to me and then closed her eyes forever.


4. My mother's last words to me were, "I love you and I'm proud of you."


5. He left without saying a word, his last words to me were written in a note he left on the table.



1. Your final words to me.

2. The last thing you said to me.

3. Your parting words to me.


编辑总结:Eyour last words to me.是一句通常用作告别语或道别语的英文,意为“你对我说的最后一句话”。它可以用来指某人在离开前对他人说的最后一句话,表达出离别时的感情和想法。它的同义词有“Your final words to me.”、“The last thing you said to me.”和“Your parting words to me.”。


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