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breathe easy是什么意思

意思:breathe easy是指轻松、放松或安心的状态,通常用于表示不再担心或紧张。

breathe easy是什么意思

怎么读:[briːð iːzi]

用法:作为动词短语,可以用来形容人的状态,也可以用来形容环境或气氛。常见的搭配有“breathe easy”、“breathe easily”、“breathe easy with relief”。

例句1:After the exam, I could finally breathe easy. (考试结束后,我终于可以放松了。)

例句2:With the problem solved, she could breathe easy again. (问题解决后,她又可以放心了。)

例句3:The atmosphere in the office was tense, but after the boss's speech, everyone could breathe easy. (办公室气氛紧张,但老板讲话后大家都放松下来了。)

例句4:He had been holding his breath for so long that he couldn't wait to finally breathe easy. (他已经屏住呼吸太久了,迫不及待地想要放松下来。)

例句5:The team had been struggling for months, but after winning the championship, they could finally breathe easy. (团队经历了几个月的挣扎,但在赢得冠后终于可以松一口气了。)


1. relax - 放松、轻松,通常指身体或心理上的放松。

例句:After a long day at work, she just wanted to relax at home. (工作了一整天后,她只想在家里放松。)

2. unwind - 放松、解压,强调从紧张或压力中解脱出来。

例句:He likes to unwind by going for a run after work. (他喜欢下班后跑步来放松。)

3. let go - 放手、放下,表示不再担心或。

例句:She finally let go of her worries and enjoyed the vacation. (她终于放下了烦恼,享受假期。)

4. take it easy - 放轻松、别紧张,常用于劝告他人不要太担心或过度劳累。

例句:You've been working too hard, you should take it easy for a while. (你工作太辛苦了,应该休息一下。)


breathe easy是一个常用的动词短语,用来形容人的状态或环境的气氛。它可以表示轻松、安心或放松的状态,通常用于表示不再担心或紧张。除了breathe easy外,还有relax、unwind、let go和take it easy等同义词可以替代使用。在写作中要注意上下文语境,选择最合适的词汇来表达想要的意思。


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