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be opposite to是什么意思

一:be opposite to是什么意思的意思

be opposite to是一个英语短语,意为“与…相反”、“与…对立”、“与…相对”、“与…不同”。


be opposite to的发音为/bi ˈɒpəzɪt tu/。

be opposite to是什么意思


be opposite to通常用来表示两个事物之间的对立关系,强调它们在某些方面完全相反或完全不同。它可以作为动词和形容词使用。

作为动词时,常用于句型“be opposite to + 名词”,表示某物与另一物相反或对立。:

1. The two ideas are completely opposite to each other. (这两个想法完全相反。)

2. The reality is often opposite to our expectations. (现实往往和我们的期望完全相反。)

作为形容词时,常用于句型“be + opposite + to + 名词”,表示某物与另一物相反或对立。:

1. My views are completely opposite to yours. (我的观点和你的完全相反。)

2. The two brothers have personalities that are totally opposite to each other. (这两兄弟性格截然不同。)


1. His personality is the complete opposite of his brother's.


2. The weather today is opposite to what was forecasted.


3. The two countries have opposite political systems.


4. The two teams have completely opposite strategies for winning the game.


5. Her opinion is opposite to mine, but we respect each other's views.



1. be contrary to:与…相矛盾、与…不一致、违背

常用于句型“be contrary to + 名词/动词/形容词”。:

- His actions are contrary to his words. (他的行为与他的言论相矛盾。)

- This decision is contrary to our company's policy. (这个决定违背了我们公司的。)

2. be at odds with:与…不一致、对立

常用于句型“be at odds with + 名词/动词/形容词”。:

- Their opinions are at odds with each other. (他们的意见互相矛盾。)

- His actions are at odds with his beliefs. (他的行为和他的信仰不一致。)

3. be in contrast to:与…形成对比、对照

常用于句型“be in contrast to + 名词/动词/形容词”。:

- The bright colors are in contrast to the dull background. (鲜艳的颜色和暗淡的背景形成对比。)

- Her calm demeanor is in contrast to her loud voice. (她平静的举止和她大声的声音形成对照。)


be opposite to是一个常用的英语短语,表示两个事物之间的对立关系。它可以作为动词和形容词使用,常用于句型“be opposite to + 名词”或“be + opposite + to + 名词”。除了be opposite to外,还有一些近义短语如be contrary to、be at odds with、be in contrast to等,它们也可以表示相同的意思。在使用时,需要根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式。


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