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一:车尔尼599第19条的意思:该条款规定了在执行合同过程中,当一方违反合同义务时,另一方有权要求违约方承担违约责任。 二:怎么读(音标):/tʃɜːnɪ/ /faɪv nʌnti naɪn/ 三:用法:该条款适用于所有形式的合同,包括书面、口头和默示的合同。当一方未履行合同义务或履行不符合约定时,另一方可以依据该条款要求违约方承担相应的违约责任。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. According to Article 19 of the Carny 599, if one party fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, the other party has the right to demand that the defaulting party be held liable. (根据车尔尼599第19条,如果一方未能履行其合同义务,另一方有权要求违约方承担责任。) 2. The seller breached the contract by delivering defective goods, and the buyer invoked Article 19 of the Carny 599 to claim compensation. (卖家因交付次品而违反了合同,买家援引车尔尼599第19条要求赔偿。) 3. In case of any dispute arising from this contract, either party may resort to legal action in accordance with Article 19 of the Carny 599. (若因本合同发生任何争议,任何一方均可依据车尔尼599第19条采取法律行动。) 4. The court upheld the plaintiff's claim for damages based on Article 19 of the Carny 599, as the defendant failed to fulfill its obligations under the contract. (根据车尔尼599第19条支持原告基于违约方未能履行合同义务的损害赔偿请求。) 5. The parties can also include a clause in the contract specifying the type and amount of damages to be paid in case of breach, which will be governed by Article 19 of the Carny 599. (当事人也可以在合同中加入一项条款,明确违约时应支付的损害类型和金额,该条款将受到车尔尼599第19条的管辖。) 五:同义词及用法:违约责任(breach of contract liability)、违约赔偿(compensation for breach)、违约金(liquidated damages) 六:编辑总结:车尔尼599第19条是一项重要的法律规定,保障了合同当事人的权益,促进了商业交易的顺利进行。在签订合同时,双方应该认真考虑并明确约定违约责任及赔偿方式,以避免可能产生的纠纷。



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