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1. cable是指一种用于传输电信或电力的线缆,也可以指用于固定或连接的绳索或链条。:The workers are pulling the cable to connect the two buildings.(工人们正在拉着电缆连接两栋建筑物。)

2. cable还可以作为动词使用,表示用电缆连接或固定。:The technician is cabling the new computer to the network.(技术员正在将新电脑与网络连接。)

3. 在美国英语中,cable还可以指一种有线电视服务,通常由有线电视公司提供。:We have canceled our cable subscription and switched to streaming services.(我们已经取消了有线电视订阅,转而使用流媒体服务。)

4. 除此之外,cable还可以作为名词使用,指一封密件或机密的消息。:The leaked cables caused a diplomatic crisis between the two countries.(泄露的密件导致两国之间的危机。)

5. 另外,在航海领域中,cable也可以指一种锚链或系船绳索。:The ship's anchor was attached to a thick cable to keep it from drifting away.(船锚被系在一根粗大的锚链上以防止漂移。)


1. cable发音为/'keɪbəl/,其中/k/发音为清音,/eɪ/发音为长元音,/b/发音为爆破音,/əl/发音为轻微的舌尖卷起。

2. 读音可以用“凯-布-尔”来表示。


1. The cable company offers a variety of channels and packages to its subscribers.(有线电视公司向其订户提供各种频道和套餐。)

2. The cable connecting the printer to the computer is not working properly.(连接打印机和电脑的电缆出现了问题。)

3. The ship's captain ordered the crew to drop the anchor and secure it with a cable.(船长命令船员放下锚并用缆绳固定。)

4. The government has restricted access to certain sensitive cables to protect national security.(限制了对某些敏感密件的访问以保护安全。)

5. The technician is installing a new fiber optic cable for faster internet connection.(技术员正在安装一根新的光纤电缆以实现更快的网络连接。)


1. submarine cable 潜水电缆

2. power cable 电力线缆

3. coaxial cable 同轴电缆

4. ethernet cable 以太网线缆

5. cable car 缆车

6. cable tie 缆绳扎带

7. cable management 电缆管理

8. jumper cable 跳线

9. cable modem 电缆调制解调器

10. cable network 有线电视网络


1. The workers are pulling the cable to connect the two buildings.


2. We have canceled our cable subscription and switched to streaming services.


3. The leaked cables caused a diplomatic crisis between the two countries.


4. The ship's anchor was attached to a thick cable to keep it from drifting away.


5. The government has restricted access to certain sensitive cables to protect national security.


6. 工人们正在拉着电缆连接两栋建筑物。

The workers are pulling the cable to connect the two buildings.

7. 我们已经取消了有线电视订阅,转而使用流媒体服务。

We have canceled our cable subscription and switched to streaming services.

8. 泄露的密件导致两国之间的危机。

The leaked cables caused a diplomatic crisis between the two countries.

9. 船锚被系在一根粗大的锚链上以防止漂移。

The ship's anchor was attached to a thick cable to keep it from drifting away.

10. 限制了对某些敏感密件的访问以保护安全。

The government has restricted access to certain sensitive cables to protect national security.



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