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1. butterball是什么意思?butterball怎么读?


2. butterball是什么意思?butterball怎么读?读音读法


3. butterball是什么意思?butterball怎么读?的用例

1) She rolled the dough into little butterballs and placed them on the baking tray.


2) The chef added some chopped herbs to the butterball mixture to enhance the flavor.


3) The Thanksgiving turkey was a big, juicy butterball that everyone enjoyed.


4) She bought a pack of frozen butterballs to use in her baking.


5) The butterball melted and coated the hot popcorn, making it even more delicious.


4. butterball是什么意思?butterball怎么读?组词

- Butterball turkey (火鸡)

- Butterball cookie (黄油曲奇)

- Butterball squash (黄油南瓜)

- Butterball soup (黄油汤)

- Butterball chicken (黄油鸡)

5. butterball是什么意思?butterball怎么读?的中英文对照


Butterball is a small round ball of butter, often used as an ingredient in food.

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结

butterball是一个英语词汇,指的是小圆形的黄油球,通常用作食物的配料。它的读音为['bʌtərbɔːl]。这个词可以用来描述食物中使用的配料,也可以指代一种特定品牌的火鸡。除此之外,还可以衍生出其他相关词汇,如“Butterball cookie”、“Butterball squash”等。总的来说,butterball是一个简单常用的词汇,但在不同的语境下有着不同的含义和用法。


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