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1. cage是一种用来围住或限制动物的结构,通常由金属或木材制成。它可以防止动物逃跑或攻击其他动物,也可以保护动物免受外界的伤害。

2. cage的读音为 [keɪdʒ],发音时舌头要放平,嘴唇要稍微张开。注意不要把最后一个音节读成 [dʒ],应该是 [g] 的清音。

3. 用例:

(1) The lion was pacing back and forth in its cage, growling at the visitors.


(2) The bird's cage was too small, it could barely spread its wings.


(3) The circus trainer put the tiger back into its cage after the show.


(4) The stray dog was caught and put into a cage by the animal control officer.


(5) The zookeeper cleaned the cages of the monkeys and fed them fresh fruits.


4. 组词:cage可以和其他词组合成许多常用的短语,比如:

(1) bird cage(鸟笼)

(2) lion cage(狮子笼)

(3) animal cage(动物笼子)

(4) snake cage(蛇笼)

(5) monkey cage(猴子笼)

(6) pet cage(宠物笼子)

(7) wire cage(金属笼子)

5. 中英文对照:

cage - 笼子

围栏 - fence/cage

金属 - metal

木材 - wood

限制 - restrict/limit

动物 - animal

逃跑 - escape/run away

攻击 - attack

保护 - protect

伤害 - harm/injury



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