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一:accountsreceivable的意思 Accounts receivable是指企业从客户处应收到的未付款项,是一种短期债权。它通常用来衡量企业的流动性和资金状况。 二:怎么读(音标) Accounts receivable [əˈkaʊnts ɹɪˈsiːvəbəl] 三:用法 Accounts receivable通常用于财务和会计领域,用来记录企业从客户处应收到的未付款项。它可以作为一种重要的财务指标,帮助企业管理其资金流动性和收入情况。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The company's accounts receivable increased significantly due to a large number of new orders. (由于大量新订单,公司的应收账款大幅增加。) 2. It is important for businesses to keep track of their accounts receivable and follow up on any late payments. (企业跟踪应收账款并跟进任何逾期付款非常重要。) 3. The accounts receivable turnover ratio can help businesses understand how quickly they are collecting payments from customers. (应收账款周转率可以帮助企业了解从客户那里收取付款的速度。) 4. The company's cash flow was affected by the high level of accounts receivable that were still outstanding. (公司现金流受到仍未结清的高额应收账款的影响。) 5. The accounts receivable aging report showed that a significant portion of the company's sales were still unpaid after 90 days. (应收账款账龄报告显示,公司的销售额中有相当一部分在90天后仍未付清。) 五:同义词及用法 1. Trade receivables: 与accounts receivable意思相同,是指企业从客户处应收到的未付款项。 2. Debtors: 指欠债人,也可以用来指代公司的客户或顾客。 3. Receivables: 与accounts receivable意思相同,是指企业从客户处应收到的未付款项。 4. Outstanding invoices: 指尚未付清的发票,也可以用来指代未收到的应收账款。 六:编辑总结 Accounts receivable是一个重要的财务指标,它可以帮助企业了解自己的流动性和资金状况。同时,及时跟踪和催收应收账款也是保证企业健康运营的关键。同义词trade receivables、debtors、receivables和outstanding invoices都可以用来指代accounts receivable这一概念。



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