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[əˌkædəˈmɪkli] adv. 学术上;学业上;理论上 Academically is an adverb that describes something related to academics, which are the subjects and activities that have to do with school and learning. It can also refer to the theoretical or scholarly aspects of a subject. 用法: 1. Academically, she was a student, but she lacked practical experience. 学业上,她是一名顶尖的学生,但她缺乏实践经验。 2. He excels academically and has received numerous awards for his academic achievements. 他在学业方面表现出色,并因其学术成就而获得了众多奖项。 3. The university is known for its academically rigorous programs. 这所大学以其严谨的学术课程而闻名。 4. She struggled academically in high school, but she has since found success in her chosen field. 她在高中时期曾有过学业上的困难,但目前在自己选择的领域取得了成功。 5. The conference focused on the academically challenging ics of artificial intelligence and machine learning. 这次专注于人工智能和机器学习这些具有挑战性的学术主题。 同义词及用法: 1. Scholastically (adv.) - in an academic or scholarly manner The students were rewarded for their scholastically impressive essays. 2. Intellectually (adv.) - relating to or involving the intellect or mental abilities The lecture was intellectually stimulating and thought-provoking. 3. Cognitively (adv.) - in terms of cognitive or mental processes The study found that bilingualism can enhance cognitive abilities. 4. Learned (adj.) - having much knowledge; scholarly; erudite She is a highly learned individual with a vast understanding of literature. 5. Theoretically (adv.) - in a theoretical or abstract manner Theoretically, this approach should yield better results. 编辑总结: Academically is an important adverb used to describe things related to academics and learning. It can refer to the theoretical aspects of a subject or the overall academic performance of an individual. Other similar adverbs like scholastically, intellectually, cognitively, and theoretically can also be used to describe academic concepts and ideas. As an editor, it is important to ensure that the usage of this word is clear and appropriate in the context it is being used in.



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