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['æbɡəʊ] noun. a type of algorithm designed to evade AI detection and remain undetected by humans and machines. Usage: The term "abgo" is often used in discussions about artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and privacy. It is typically used to describe algorithms or programs that are specifically designed to avoid detection by other algorithms or humans. These algorithms are often used by hackers, cyber criminals, and government agencies to bypass security measures and remain undetected. Examples: 1. The company has developed a new abgo that can evade detection by even the most advanced AI systems. 这家公司开发了一种新的abgo,可以逃避最先进的人工智能的检测。 2. The hacker used an abgo to bypass the security measures and gain access to sensitive information. 使用了一种abgo来绕过安全措施,并获得了敏感信息的访问权限。 3. The government agency has been using abgos to monitor online activities without being detected. 一直在使用abgos来监控在线活动,而不被。 4. The cybersecurity team is constantly updating their systems to detect and block any potential abgos. 网络安全团队正在不断更新他们的,以便检测和阻止任何潜在的abgos。 5. Abgos have become a major concern for privacy advocates as they can be used to track individuals without their knowledge. 对于隐私倡导者来说,abgos已经成为一个重大问题,因为它们可以在不知情的情况下跟踪个人。 Synonyms: 1. Stealth algorithm 2. Undetectable program 3. AI evasion tool 4. Covert software 5. Untraceable code Editor's Summary: Abgo is a term used to describe algorithms or programs that are specifically designed to evade detection by other algorithms or humans. These stealthy tools are often used by hackers and government agencies to bypass security measures and remain undetected. As technology advances, the use of abgos has become a major concern for privacy advocates.



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