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一:/fɔːˈneɪtɪk/ - phonetic 怎么读(音标):/fəˈnɛtɪk/ 用法:phonetic是一个形容词,指的是与发音有关的或者根据发音的。在语言学中,phonetic通常用来描述语言中的音素、音节、语音变化等。 例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a system of phonetic notation based on the Latin alphabet. (国际音标是一种基于拉丁字母的语音符号。) 2. She has a good ear for phonetics and can easily distinguish between different sounds. (她对语音学很敏感,能轻易地区分不同的声音。) 3. The teacher used phonetic symbols to help students improve their pronunciation. (老师使用了语音符号来帮助学生提高发音。) 4. The book includes a section on phonetics, which explains the sounds of the language in detail. (这本书包含了一个关于语音学的部分,详细解释了该语言的发音。) 5. The student had difficulty with the phonetics of English, but with practice, she improved her pronunciation. (这位学生在英语的发音方面遇到了困难,但经过练习,她改善了自己的发音。) 同义词及用法:phonological (adj.) - 与语音相关的;phonemics (n.) - 语音学;pronunciation (n.) - 发音 编辑总结:phonetic是一个常用的形容词,用来描述与发音有关的事物。在语言学中,它可以指代语言中的声音、音节、语音变化等。使用phonetic可以更加准确地描述发音相关的内容,帮助读者更好地理解和掌握语言。



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