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1. batter是什么意思?batter的用法和短语有哪些?




2. batter是什么意思?batter的用法和短语有哪些?读音读法


3. batter是什么意思?batter的用法和短语有哪些?的用例

1) The tennis player hit a powerful backhand shot that sent the ball flying past his opponent's head. (那位网球选手发出了强有力的反手击球,将球飞过对手头顶。)

2) The boxer was badly battered in the match and had to be taken to the hospital. (那位拳击手在比赛中受了重伤,不得不被送往医院。)

3) The chef is making a batter for the pancakes by mixing flour, milk, and eggs together. (厨师正在将面粉、牛奶和鸡蛋混合制作成煎饼的面糊。)

4) The fish was battered and fried until it turned golden brown. (鱼被油炸至金黄色。)

5) The baker added chocolate chips to the cake batter for extra flavor. (面包师在蛋糕面糊中加入巧克力碎片增添口味。)

4. batter是什么意思?batter的用法和短语有哪些?组词

- batter down: 用力打击,摧毁

- battering ram: 攻城槌

- cake batter: 蛋糕面糊

- pancake batter: 煎饼面糊

- fish batter: 鱼肉裹粉浆

- buttery batter: 含有大量黄油的面团

5. batter是什么意思?batter的用法和短语有哪些?的中英文对照

| 中文 | 英文 |

| ---- | ---- |

| 打击;殴打 | strike; hit |

| 面团;浆状物 | dough; mixture |

| 打击;殴打 | beat; pummel |

| 面糊 | batter |

| 油炸;烤制 | fry; bake |

| 面粉;牛奶;鸡蛋混合面团 | flour, milk, and egg mixture |

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结



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