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1.audience是指观众,指观看表演、听讲座或参加活动的人群。:The audience was captivated by the performance.(观众被表演吸引住了。)



(1)The comedian had the audience laughing throughout his entire show.(这位喜剧演员让观众在整场表演中都笑个不停。)

(2)The concert drew a large audience from all over the city.(这场音乐会吸引了来自全城的大量观众。)

(3)The speaker engaged the audience with her passionate speech.(用充满激情的演讲吸引了观众。)

(4)The movie received mixed reviews from both critics and audiences.(这部电影收到了评论家和观众的褒贬不一的评价。)

(5)The magician's tricks left the audience in awe.(魔术师的把戏让观众惊叹不已。)


audience participation (观众参与)

live audience (现场观众)

target audience (目标受众)

studio audience (现场观众)

audience response system (听众反馈)

5.audience是指观看表演、听讲座或参加活动的人群,是一个可数名词。在英文中,audience也可以用作形容词,表示“受众的”,:The company's audience reach has expanded in recent years.(这家公司的受众范围近年来扩大了。)

1. Audience is a noun that refers to the group of people who watch a performance, listen to a lecture, or participate in an event. For example: The audience was captivated by the performance.

2. It is pronounced as /ˈɑːdiəns/ and its phonetic transcription is aw-dee-uhns.

3. Examples:

(1) The comedian had the audience laughing throughout his entire show.

(2) The concert drew a large audience from all over the city.

(3) The speaker engaged the audience with her passionate speech.

(4) The movie received mixed reviews from both critics and audiences.

(5) The magician's tricks left the audience in awe.

4. Other words related to audience:

audience participation

live audience

target audience

studio audience

audience response system

5. In English, "audience" can also be used as an adjective, meaning "related to or intended for an audience." For example: The company's audience reach has expanded in recent years.



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