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1.aimless是指没有明确的目的或方向,缺乏计划或目标的。:He wandered aimlessly through the streets without a sense of direction.(他在街上漫无目的地闲逛,没有方向感。)

2.aimless也可以指行为或活动没有意义或价值,毫无意义的。:She spent her days in an aimless manner, doing nothing productive.(她整天毫无目的地度过,什么也不做。)

3.aimless也可以指思想或话语没有重点或逻辑,漫无边际的。:Her speech was full of aimless rambling, and it was hard to follow her train of thought.(她的演讲充满了毫无重点的胡言乱语,很难跟上她的思路。)


aimless读作 /ˈeɪmləs/。


1. Her life seemed aimless after she lost her job.


2. The group's discussions were often aimless and unproductive.


3. He spent his youth in an aimless pursuit of pleasure.


4. The aimless meandering of the river made it difficult to navigate.


5. The aimless chatter of the children in the classroom was disrupting the lesson.



1. aimlessly (adv.) 无目的地,漫无目标地

2. aimlessness (n.) 漫无目标,毫无意义

3. aim (v.) 瞄准,打算,旨在

4. direction (n.) 方向,指导,指令

5. purpose (n.) 目的,意图,用途


1. He wandered aimlessly through the streets without a sense of direction.


2. She spent her days in an aimless manner, doing nothing productive.


3. Her life seemed aimless after she lost her job.


4. 她在街上漫步时毫无方向感。

5. 她整天毫无计划地度过。

6. 失业后,她的生活似乎没有了目标。



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