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1. artifact是指人类或其他生物创造的物质或文化遗迹,通常具有历史、艺术或科学价值。:这个博物馆展示了许多古代文明的artifact。

2. artifact的读音为/ˈɑːtɪfækt/,音标为[ˈɑːtɪfækt]。

3. artifact可以用作可数名词,表示“手工制品”、“人工制品”、“人造物”等。:The museum has a large collection of ancient artifacts.(博物馆有大量古代手工制品收藏。)

4. artifact也可以用作不可数名词,表示“人类活动或技术所产生的结果”。:The satellite images showed some interesting artifacts on the surface of Mars.(卫星图像显示出火星表面一些有趣的人类活动产生的结果。)

5. artifact还可以用作动词,意为“”、“捏造”。:The evidence was found to be an artifact and was not admissible in court.(证据被是的,不能在法庭上使用。)


1. /ˈɑːtɪfækt/ [ˈɑːtɪfækt]

2. 读音为英式英语中较常见的发音,美式英语可能会发音为/ˈɑːrtəfækt/ [ˈɑːrtəfækt]。

3. 英式英语中的发音较美式英语更接近原词的拉丁语发音,但两种发音都被认可。

4. 读音中的“r”发音较轻,接近于“a”的发音,重点在于“t”和“f”的发音。

5. 读音中的“t”和“f”都是清辅音,需要注意清晰地发出。


1. The museum has a large collection of ancient artifacts.(博物馆有大量古代手工制品收藏。)

2. The archaeologists discovered several artifacts during the excavation of the ancient ruins.(考古学家在对古代遗迹进行挖掘时了几件手工制品。)

3. The scientist used a specialized tool to analyze the artifact and determine its age and origin.(科学家使用专门的工具来分析这件手工制品,并确定其年代和来源。)

4. The forger was able to create a convincing artifact that fooled many experts for years.(者能够制作出一件令人信服的手工制品,多年来欺骗了许多专家。)

5. The artifact was carefully preserved and displayed in a temperature-controlled environment to prevent any damage.(这件手工制品被精心保存,并在温度的环境中展示,以防止任何损坏。)


1. cultural artifact 文化遗产

2. digital artifact 数字手工制品

3. historical artifact 历史手工制品

4. ancient artifact 古代手工制品

5. forged artifact 手工制品


1. The museum has a large collection of ancient artifacts.


2. The archaeologists discovered several artifacts during the excavation of the ancient ruins.


3. The scientist used a specialized tool to analyze the artifact and determine its age and origin.


4. The forger was able to create a convincing artifact that fooled many experts for years.


5. The artifact was carefully preserved and displayed in a temperature-controlled environment to prevent any damage.




artifact是指人类或其他生物创造的物质或文化遗迹,通常具有历史、艺术或科学价值。它可以用作可数名词或不可数名词,并且可以作为动词使用。读音为/ˈɑːtɪfækt/ [ˈɑːtɪfækt],发音较轻且重点在于清晰地发出“t”和“f”的辅音。它可以与其他词组合成复合词,如cultural artifact(文化遗产)、digital artifact(数字手工制品)等。通过博物馆收藏、考古、科学分析和等例子,可以看出artifact具有重要的历史、艺术和科学价值,需要被精心保存和展示。


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