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1. attack是什么意思?


2. attack的常见用法有哪些?

(1) 名词用法:attack作为名词时,常用于以下几种情况:

a. 指上的进攻行为,如“The enemy launched a fierce attack.”(敌人发起了猛烈的进攻。)

b. 指突然发生的,如“He was injured in an attack by a group of thugs.”(他在一群暴徒的袭击中受伤了。)

c. 指疾病、虫害等对身体或植物的侵袭,“He suffered a heart attack.”(他遭受了心脏病发作。)

(2) 动词用法:attack作为动词时,常见用法包括:

a. 攻击、袭击,“The terrorists attacked the embassy.”(袭击了。)

b. 抨击、批评,“The politician was attacked by the media for his controversial remarks.”(这位家因为他有争议的言论而遭受媒体的抨击。)

c. 侵袭、影响,“The virus attacked her immune system.”(病毒侵袭了她的免疫。)

d. 突然发作,如心脏病发作,“He was suddenly attacked by a severe headache.”(他突然遭受了剧烈头痛的折磨。)

3. attack是什么意思?attack的常见用法有哪些?读音读法


4. attack是什么意思?attack的常见用法有哪些?的用例

1) The soldiers launched a surprise attack on the enemy camp.

2) She suffered a sudden panic attack while driving.

3) The company's reputation was under attack due to the scandal.

4) The government is taking measures to prevent cyber attacks.

5) The dog barked and tried to attack the intruder.

5. attack是什么意思?attack的常见用法有哪些?组词

- pre-emptive attack 预防性攻击

- heart attack 心脏病发作

- cyber attack 网络攻击

- personal attack 人身攻击

- sneak attack 偷袭

6. attack是什么意思?attack的常见用法有哪些?中英文对照


attack means what? What are the common uses of attack?

1. attack是什么意思?

Attack is an English word that can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it means "an act of aggression," often referring to physical violence or verbal assault against someone or something. As a verb, attack means "to assault" or "to strike," and can also refer to non-violent attacks such as criticism or condemnation.

2. attack的常见用法有哪些?

(1) Noun usage: When used as a noun, attack is commonly used in the following situations:

a. Referring to military aggression, such as "The enemy launched a fierce attack."

b. Describing a sudden act of violence, such as "He was injured in an attack by a group of thugs."

c. Describing the invasion of disease or pests on the body or plants, such as "He suffered a heart attack."

(2) Verb usage: As a verb, common uses of attack include:

a. To assault or strike, such as "The terrorists attacked the embassy."

b. To criticize or condemn, such as "The politician was attacked by the media for his controversial remarks."

c. To invade or affect, such as "The virus attacked her immune system."

d. To suddenly occur, such as "He was suddenly attacked by a severe headache."

3. attack是什么意思?attack的常见用法有哪些?读音读法

Attack is pronounced /əˈtæk/, with the stress on the first syllable.

4. attack是什么意思?attack的常见用法有哪些?的用例

1) 士们对敌营地发起了突然袭击。

2) 她在开车时突然遭受了惊恐的发作。

3) 由于丑闻,公司的声誉受到了攻击。

4) 正在采取措施防范网络攻击。

5) 狗叫着试图袭击入侵者。

5. attack是什么意思?attack的常见用法有哪些?组词

- pre-emptive attack 预防性攻击

- heart attack 心脏病发作

- cyber attack 网络攻击

- personal attack 人身攻击

- sneak attack 偷袭

6. attack是什么意思?attack的常见用法有哪些?中英文对照



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