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1.ancient是指古老的、远古的,也可以指某个时期的历史。:The ancient civilization of Egypt is a popular ic for historians.(埃及古文明是历史学家研究的热门话题。)

2.ancient也可以用来形容某物或某人年龄很大,经历了很多年代。:The ancient tree in the forest is said to be over 1000 years old.(森林里那棵古老的树据说已经有1000多岁了。)

3.ancient还可以表示某物或某人具有传统、久远的特性。:The village has an ancient tradition of celebrating the harvest festival every year.(这个村庄每年都有庆祝丰收节的古老传统。)

4.ancient也可以指某种事物已经不再流行或被使用,已经过时了。:The ancient practice of foot binding in China is now banned and considered inhumane.(旧时期的缠足习俗现在已被,并被认为是残忍的做法。)

5.ancient还可以用来形容某种风格或艺术形式具有浓厚的历史感和文化气息。:The museum houses a collection of ancient Greek sculptures that are admired by art lovers from around the world.(博物馆收藏着一系列古希腊雕塑,受到来自世界各地的艺术爱好者的赞赏。)




1. The ancient ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru attract thousands of tourists every year.(秘鲁马丘比丘遗址每年吸引成千上万的游客。)

2. My grandmother loves to tell stories about the ancient days when she was young.(我的祖母喜欢讲述她年轻时候的往事。)

3. The ancient art of calligraphy is still highly respected in Chinese culture.(书法这门古老的艺术在文化中仍备受尊重。)

4. Many ancient traditions and customs have been passed down from generation to generation in this village.(这个村庄有许多古老的传统和习俗一代一代传承下来。)

5. The ancient language of Latin is no longer spoken, but it has had a great influence on many modern languages.(拉丁语这种古老语言已经不再被使用,但它对许多现代语言有着巨大的影响。)


1. ancient civilization(古文明)

2. ancient history(古代历史)

3. ancient ruins(古迹)

4. ancient tradition(古老传统)

5. ancient artifact(古物)


1. The ancient city of Rome is known for its rich history and stunning architecture.(罗马这座古城以其丰富的历史和惊人的建筑而闻名。)

2. The old man told us stories about the ancient times when he was a young boy.(老人给我们讲述他小时候的故事,那是在很久以前。)

3. The museum has a collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts that date back to 3000 BC.(博物馆收藏着一系列追溯到公元前3000年的埃及古物。)

4. The village celebrates an ancient festival every year to honor their ancestors and traditions.(村子每年都会举办一场庆祝活动,来纪念他们的祖先和传统。)

5. The archaeologist discovered an ancient temple buried deep underground during his excavation in Greece.(考古学家在希腊挖掘时了一座深埋地下的古老寺庙。)

ancient这个词语充满了历史感和文化气息,它可以用来形容古老的时期、年龄很大的物品或人,也可以指传统特性或已经过时。它的发音为/ˈeɪnʃənt/,重音在第一个音节。我们可以将ancient与其他词汇组合使用,比如ancient civilization(古文明)、ancient ruins(古迹)、ancient tradition(古老传统)等。在英语中,它是一个非常常见的词汇。总之,每当我听到这个词语时,都会感受到一种悠久的历史和浓厚的文化氛围。


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