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1. amorous是指具有强烈的爱情或性欲的,常用来形容人或动物。它的意思是充满激情的,热情的,爱恋的。:She couldn't resist his amorous advances.(她无法抗拒他的热情追求。)

2. amorous也可以用来形容某种行为或举止,表示充满爱意或性欲。:The couple's amorous behavior in public was quite scandalous.(这对夫妇在公共场合表现出来的亲昵行为相当令人震惊。)

3. 除了形容人和动物,amorous也可以用来形容某种事物,表示它具有引起爱慕或性欲的特质。:The perfume has a very amorous scent that is sure to attract attention.(这款香水散发出一种非常具有吸引力的气味,一定会吸引注意力。)




1. He wrote her an amorous letter, expressing his deep love for her.


2. The young couple spent the whole night in amorous conversation, lost in each other's eyes.


3. The old man's amorous behavior towards his young secretary caused quite a scandal in the office.


4. The novel is full of amorous scenes and passionate love affairs.


5. She couldn't resist his amorous charm and fell deeply in love with him.



1. amorous advances 爱情追求

2. amorous behavior 亲昵行为

3. amorous couple 热恋夫妇

4. amorous conversation 充满爱意的谈话

5. amorous scent 具有吸引力的气味


1. She couldn't resist his amorous advances.


2. The couple's amorous behavior in public was quite scandalous.


3. The perfume has a very amorous scent that is sure to attract attention.


4. He wrote her an amorous letter, expressing his deep love for her.


5. The young couple spent the whole night in amorous conversation, lost in each other's eyes.


6. The old man's amorous behavior towards his young secretary caused quite a scandal in the office.


7. The novel is full of amorous scenes and passionate love affairs.


8. She couldn't resist his amorous charm and fell deeply in love with him.








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