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1.arrive是指到达某个地方或达成某种状态或目标。:I arrived at the airport at 8 o'clock.(我在8点钟到达了机场。)The train arrived on time.(火车准时到达了。)The team finally arrived at a decision.(团队最终达成了决定。)



(1)We are expected to arrive in Paris tomorrow morning.(我们预计明天早上抵达巴黎。)

(2)He finally arrived at the truth after many years of searching.(经过多年的探索,他终于找到了。)

(3)The new product has just arrived in stores.(这款新产品刚刚在商店上架。)

(4)The ambulance arrived quickly at the scene of the accident.(救护车迅速抵达事故现场。)

(5)She arrived early for her interview, hoping to make a good impression. (她提前来参加面试,希望给人留下好印象。)

4.arrive的相关词汇:arrival (n.) 到达,抵达;arriving (adj.) 到来的;arrived (adj.) 已经到达的;arriving (n.) 到来。


1.arrive是指到达某个地方或达成某种状态或目标。:I arrived at the airport at 8 o'clock.(我在8点钟到达了机场。)The train arrived on time.(火车准时到达了。)The team finally arrived at a decision.(团队最终达成了决定。)



(1)We are expected to arrive in Paris tomorrow morning.(我们预计明天早上抵达巴黎。)

(2)He finally arrived at the truth after many years of searching.(经过多年的探索,他终于找到了。)

(3)The new product has just arrived in stores.(这款新产品刚刚在商店上架。)

(4)The ambulance arrived quickly at the scene of the accident.(救护车迅速抵达事故现场。)

(5)She arrived early for her interview, hoping to make a good impression. (她提前来参加面试,希望给人留下好印象。)

arrive是指到达某个地方或达成某种状态或目标,它可以用作及物动词和不及物动词,常见搭配有arrive at/in/on等。它的读音为/əˈraɪv/,读作“uh-rahyv”,是一个双音节单词。

arrive具有多种含义,在不同的语境下可以有不同的解释,但总的来说,它都表示到达或达成某种状态。,当我们说“I arrived at the airport at 8 o'clock.”时,arrive表示到达某个地方;而当我们说“The team finally arrived at a decision.”时,arrive表示达成某种决定。

在句子中,arrive通常作谓语动词,后面可以跟at/in/on等介词短语来表示到达的地点或时间。,“We are expected to arrive in Paris tomorrow morning.”中的in Paris表示到达的地点,“tomorrow morning”则表示到达的时间。

除了作为动词外,arrive还可以作名词使用,表示“到达”或“抵达”的行为。,“The arrival of the new product has caused quite a stir.”(这款新产品的上市引起了很大轰动。)在这里,arrival作为名词使用。



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