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1. Arrest是指逮捕、拘留或扣押某人,通常是由于涉嫌犯罪或行为而被或执法采取的强制措施。

2. Arrest的读音为/əˈrest/,音标为[əˈrest],发音为“uh-rest”。

3. Arrest的用例:

例句1:The police made an arrest in connection with the robbery.

例句2:He was placed under arrest for assaulting a police officer.

例句3:The suspect is currently under arrest and will be charged with murder.

例句4:The authorities are still searching for the suspect who fled after his arrest.

例句5:The judge ordered the immediate arrest of the suspect to prevent him from fleeing the country.

4. Arrest的组词:

arrest warrant(逮捕令)

arrest record(逮捕记录)

arresting officer(逮捕官)

under arrest(被逮捕的)

arrested development(停滞不前)

5. Arrest的中英文对照:


英文:arrest、detain、take into custody



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