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1. \\\\\"Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod.\\\\ \" (The dative is The death of The genitive.) - Thisfamous saying highlightsthe difficulty of distinguishing between the dative and genitive cases in是German.。


Wer, wie, was, wieso, weshalb, warum?Who, how, what, why?是。- This is the opening line of the theme song for the popular German children's show \\\\\"Sesamstra?是e\\\\ \"。

\\\\\"Alles hat ein Ende,Everything has an end,only the sausage has two) - This humorous sayingis often used to express the idea that everything comes to an endeventually.。

4. \\\\\"Ich bin ein Berliner.\\\\ \" (I am a Berliner.) - This famous quote was made by US PresidentJohn F. Kennedy during aspeech in Berlin and is often used to illustrate the importance of properarticle usage in German.。

5. \\\\“der Kurze liegt die Wurze .\\\\\\”(The spice is In The brevity) - This saying emphasizes即The importance of beingconcise and to The point in communication。

Man muss das Eisen schmieden, solange es hei?ist.\\\\ \" (One must strike while the iron is hot.) - This proverb encourages taking advantage ofopportunities when theyarise。

Wo ein Wille ist,ist auch ein Weg.\\\\ \" (Where there's a will,there's a way.) - This saying emphasizes the importance是determination and perseverance in achieving one's goals.。

8. \\\\\" ubung macht den Meister.\\\\ \" (Practice makes perfect.) - This proverb emphasizes theimportance of Practice inmastering a skill or craft。

9. \\\\\"Es ist nicht alles Gold, was gl?nzt.\\\\ \" (All that glitters is not gold.) - This proverb cautions against judging things based onappearance alone.。

Reden ist Silber,施韦igen ist Gold.\\\\ \" (Speaking is silver,\\\" silence is golden. \\\" - This saying emphasizes thevalue of restraint and discretion in communication.\\\"


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