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Wriig a Germa hesis ca be a dauig ask,especially whe i comes o grammar. i his aricle,we will provide some useful grammar oes for wriig asuccessful Germa hesis。


Word Order

Oe of he mos impora aspecs of Germa grammar is word order. I a Germa seece,he verb mus always be Ihe secod posiio. For example:\\“Ich sudiere Deusch\\”(I sudy Germa). If here is a subordiaig cojucio,because,he verb is moved o he ed of he seece:\\\"Ich sudiere Deusch,weil Ich es ieressa fide\\\" (I sudy Germa because I fid I ieresig)

ou Geder

Aoher impora aspec of Germa grammar is ou geder. All Germa ous have a geder, eiher masculiefemiie,or euer. I is impora o lear he geder of ous because I affecs he aricles ad adjecives used wihhem. For example,\\“der Hud\\”(he dog) is masculie, \\“die Kaze\\”(he ca) is femiie,ad \\\"das Haus\\\" (he house) is euer。

Case Sysem

Germa has four cases . omiaive, accusaive, daive . The case of a ou deermies is fucio i he seece,The omiaive case is used for he subjec,he accusaive case is used for he direc objec,he daive case is used for he idirec objec,ad he geiive case is used o show possessio. I is impora olear he case sysem because I affecs he aricles, adjecives,ad proous used wih ous

Modal Verbs

Germa has six modal verbs: durfe (may), k?是e (ca)还是m ?“ge (like)”“musse (mus)”“solle (should)”“ad wolle (wa)”。or ieio. iaseece wih a modal verb,he mai verb is placed a he ed. For example:\\“Ich will Deusch lere\\”(I wa o lear Germa)


Wriig a Germa hesis requires a good udersadig of Germa grammar. Word order, ou geder,case sysem,ad modal verbs are impora aspecs o lear. By followig hese grammar oes,you ca improve hequaliy of your wriig ad commuicae your ideas effecively i Germa。


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