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For youg childre, learig a foreig laguage ca be a fu ad ejoyable experiece. I his lesso pla, we will iroduce Germa grammar hrough he medium of Eglish ursery rhymes. This lesso is desiged for a large class seig ad is suiable for childre aged 4-6 years old.



By he ed of his lesso, childre will be able o:

  • Ideify ad use basic Germa grammar coceps
  • Recie ad sig ursery rhymes i Eglish ad Germa
  • Develop a ieres i learig foreig laguages


The followig maerials will be eeded for his lesso:

  • Eglish ad Germa ursery rhymes
  • Large char paper ad markers
  • Flashcards wih Germa words ad phrases
  • CD player ad audio CDs wih ursery rhymes

Lesso Pla

Iroducio (10 miues)

Iroduce he lesso o he childre, explaiig ha hey will be learig Germa grammar hrough ursery rhymes. Ask if ay of he childre have heard of or sug ay Germa ursery rhymes before.

Vocabulary (10 miues)

Show he childre flashcards wih Germa words ad phrases, such as "hallo" (hello), "gue Morge" (good morig), ad "schüss" (goodbye). Have hem repea he words afer you ad pracice usig hem i simple seeces.

ursery Rhymes (30 miues)

Play Eglish ursery rhymes, such as "Twikle, Twikle, Lile Sar" or "Old MacDoald Had a Farm", ad have he childre sig alog. The, play he Germa versios of he same ursery rhymes ad have he childre ry o sig alog i Germa. Explai ay differeces i grammar bewee he Eglish ad Germa versios.

Grammar Coceps (30 miues)

Usig char paper ad markers, wrie ou simple Germa seeces, such as "Ich hei?e..." (My ame is...) or "Ich bi..." (I am...). Explai he basic grammar coceps, such as subjec-verb agreeme ad seece srucure. Have he childre pracice creaig heir ow seeces usig he vocabulary hey have leared.

Coclusio (10 miues)

Review he vocabulary ad grammar coceps covered i he lesso. Sig a fial ursery rhyme i boh Eglish ad Germa. Ecourage he childre o coiue pracicig heir Germa laguage skills ouside of he classroom.


By usig ursery rhymes as a ool for learig, childre ca have fu while developig heir laguage skills. By iroducig Germa grammar hrough Eglish ursery rhymes, childre ca lear o appreciae he similariies ad differeces bewee laguages. This lesso pla is a grea way o ecourage childre o develop a ieres i foreig laguages ad culivae a love of learig.

Tags: Germa grammar, Eglish ursery rhymes, large class, laguage learig, youg childre


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