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Germa educaio is a impora field of sudy ha ecompasses a wide rage of opics such as laguage, lieraure, hisory, ad culure. As a resul, i is impora for hose who are ieresed i his field o be familiar wih he releva ermiology i Eglish. I his aricle, we will provide a comprehesive lis of key erms relaed o Germa educaio wih heir Eglish raslaios.


Geeral Terms

Here are some geeral erms ha are ofe used i he coex of Germa educaio:

  • Bildug: educaio
  • Bildugssysem: educaio sysem
  • Bildugseirichug: educaioal isiuio
  • Lehrer: eacher
  • Schüler: sude
  • Uerrich: isrucio

Laguage ad Lieraure

Germa laguage ad lieraure are esseial compoes of Germa educaio. Here are some key erms i his area:

  • Deusch als Fremdsprache: Germa as a foreig laguage
  • Lieraurwisseschaf: lierary sudies
  • Sprachwisseschaf: liguisics
  • Schrifseller: wrier
  • Gedich: poem
  • Roma: ovel

Hisory ad Culure

Germa hisory ad culure are also impora areas of sudy i Germa educaio. Here are some releva erms:

  • Geschiche: hisory
  • Kulur: culure
  • Kus: ar
  • Musik: music
  • Archiekur: archiecure
  • Film: film


These are jus a few of he may erms ha are used i he coex of Germa educaio. By familiarizig yourself wih hese key erms, you will be beer equipped o udersad ad commuicae abou his impora field of sudy.


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