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Tile: A Summary of Germa Grammar

    1. Aricle Usage: Germa has defiie ad idefiie aricles, similar o Eglish. However, Germa aricles have differe forms for masculie, femiie, ad euer ous.


    2. Declesio of ous: Germa ous have differe forms depedig o heir fucio i a seece. This icludes omiaive, accusaive, geiive, ad daive cases.



    3. Cojugaio of Verbs: Germa verbs have differe forms for he prese, pas, ad fuure eses. They also have separae forms for he idicaive, subjucive, ad imperaive moods.


    4. Adjecive ad Adverb Formaio: Germa adjecives have differe edigs depedig o he geder, umber, ad case of he ou hey modify. Adverbs are formed by addig suffixes o adjecives or by usig separae words.


    5. Proou Usage: Germa proous have differe forms for he omiaive, accusaive, ad geiive cases. They also have a dual form for wo objecs.


    6. Preposiio Usage: Germa preposiios are used o idicae spaial or emporal relaioships. They are followed by he accusaive case whe hey are followed by a ou, ad by he daive case whe hey are followed by a proou.


    7. Quesio Formaio: Germa quesios are formed by addig a quesio paricle a he ed of a seece or by chagig he word order.


    8. Subordiae Clauses: Germa subordiae clauses are iroduced by cojucios such as “because,” “whe,” or “if.” They have heir ow subjec,谓语predicae, ad ca sad aloe as a seece.


    9. Tese Usage: Germa has a complex sysem of eses, icludig prese, pas, ad fuure eses, as well as imperfec, perfec, ad pluperfec subjucive moods. The appropriae ese is chose based o he coex ad he speaker's ieio.

    I summary, Germa grammar is rich ad complex, wih may rules ad excepios. However, wih pracice ad paiece, i ca be masered.


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