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urban rivals

['ˈɜːbən ˈraɪvəlz']

urban rivals

noun. A popular online collectible card game developed and published by Boostr, set in a fictional city where players compete against each other using decks of cards representing characters with unique abilities.

用法:Urban Rivals is a free-to-play game that can be played on both web browsers and mobile devices. Players can collect and trade cards, build their own decks, and battle against other players in real-time matches.

例句1:I've been playing Urban Rivals for years and I still can't get enough of it!

我已经玩Urban Rivals好几年了,但还是停不下来!

例句2:My favorite part of Urban Rivals is collecting rare cards to add to my deck.


例句3:The urban setting of Urban Rivals adds an extra layer of excitement to the game.

Urban Rivals的城市背景给游戏增添了额外的刺激感。

例句4:I love challenging my friends to matches on Urban Rivals and seeing who has the better deck.

我喜欢在Urban Rivals上挑战我的朋友,看看谁的牌组更强。

例句5:In Urban Rivals, strategy is key. It's not just about having the strongest cards, but also knowing how to use them effectively.

在Urban Rivals中,策略至关重要。这不仅仅是拥有最强大的卡牌,还要知道如何有效地使用它们。

同义词及用法:Some similar games to Urban Rivals include Hearthstone, Magic: The Gathering, and Yu-Gi-Oh!. These are all collectible card games that involve building decks and battling against other players.

编辑总结:Urban Rivals是一款备受欢迎的在线收集卡牌游戏,玩家可以通过收集、交易卡牌来构建自己的牌组,并与其他玩家进行实时对战。它的城市背景为游戏增添了额外的乐趣,而策略在游戏中也起着至关重要的作用。与其他类似的游戏相比,Urban Rivals具有独特的魅力,吸引着大量玩家加入其中。


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