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tickets please分析

一:tickets please分析的意思

tickets please是一个英语短语,常用于火车站、机场、公交车、电影院等公共场所,意为“请出示车票”、“请出示门票”或“请出示票据”。


tickets [ˈtɪkɪts],please [pliːz]

tickets please分析


tickets please一般用于公共场所的服务人员或售票员向乘客或观众发出指令,要求其出示相应的车票、门票或票据。这是一种礼貌的表达方式,也是一种常见的服务行为。


1. The conductor walked through the train, calling out "Tickets please!" as he checked passengers' tickets. (列车售票员走过列车,喊着“请出示车票!”检查乘客的车票。)

2. As we entered the theater, the usher asked us for our tickets. We quickly handed them over and said, "Tickets please." (当我们进入剧院时,引座员要求我们出示门票。我们迅速递给他们并说道:“请出示门票。”)

3. The flight attendant went down the aisle, saying "Tickets please" to each passenger before they boarded the plane. (空乘人员沿着过道走去,在每位乘客上飞机之前都会说:“请出示机票。”)

4. The bus driver reminded everyone to have their tickets ready as they approached the bus s. He then called out "Tickets please" as passengers boarded the bus. (公交车司机在接近公交车站时提醒每个人准备好车票。然后在乘客上车时喊道:“请出示车票。”)

5. The cashier at the movie theater asked for our tickets before allowing us to enter. We showed her our tickets and said, "Tickets please." (电影院的收银员要求我们出示门票才能进入。我们给她看了门票并说:“请出示门票。”)


1. Passes please(请出示通行证):常用于需要通行证或凭证的场所,如机场安检、大型活动入场等。

2. Boarding passes please(请出示登机牌):常用于飞机上,要求乘客出示登机牌。

3. Tickets required(需要门票):常用于活动或景点,表示需要持有门票才能进入。

4. Admission tickets needed(需要入场券):常用于演唱会、比赛等大型活动,表示需要持有入场券才能进入。

5. Show your ticket(展示你的票):与“Tickets please”意思相同,是一种礼貌的表达方式。


通过分析tickets please这一短语,我们可以了解到它的意思、发音、用法以及同义词。作为一个常用的服务行为,tickets please提醒我们在公共场所时需要出示相应的票据,也体现了服务人员的礼貌和专业性。同时,它也可以作为一种常见的英语表达方式,让我们更加熟悉英语语言文化。


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