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1. stuction中文:n. 结构;建造;构造

2. 怎么读(音标):[strʌkʃən]

3. 用法:


(1) 结构,指事物的组成部分和它们之间的关系。如:The structure of this building is very complex.(这座建筑的结构非常复杂。)

(2) 建造,指通过组合或装配来创造物品。如:The construction of the bridge took three years to complete.(这座桥的建造花了三年时间完成。)

(3) 构造,指事物的整体形式或组织方式。如:The construction of the plot in this novel is very clever.(这部小说情节的构造非常巧妙。)

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

(1) The construction of this sentence is a bit awkward, please revise it.(这个句子的结构有点别扭,请修改一下。)

(2) The construction of the new shopping mall is expected to be completed by the end of this year.(新购物中心的建设预计将在今年年底完成。)

(3) The construction of this bridge requires a lot of manpower and resources.(这座桥梁的建设需要大量人力和资源。)

(4) The film's plot construction is very well thought out, making it an intriguing watch.(电影情节的构思非常巧妙,使其成为一部引人入胜的电影。)

(5) The construction of a strong team is crucial for the success of any company.(建立一个强大的团队对于任何公司的成功都至关重要。)

5. 同义词及用法:

(1) structure:n. 结构;体系;构造。如:The structure of this organization is very hierarchical.(这个组织的结构非常等级分明。)

(2) building:n. 建筑物;大楼;房屋。如:The building of the new school has been delayed due to funding issues.(由于资金问题,新学校的建设被推迟了。)

(3) composition:n. 组成;构成;作文。如:The composition of this painting is very balanced and pleasing to the eye.(这幅画的构图非常平衡,令人赏心悦目。)

(4) formation:n. 形成;编队;阵型。如:The formation of this team took months to complete.(这支队伍的组建花了几个月时间才完成。)

(5) organization:n. 组织;;团体。如:The organization of this event was a huge success thanks to the hard work of the volunteers.(由于志愿者们的辛勤工作,这次活动的组织工作取得了巨大成功。)

6. 编辑总结:



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