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stressed out英语翻译

一:stressed out的英语翻译意思是“焦虑不安的”。

二:怎么读(音标):[strest aʊt]

三:用法:stressed out是一个形容词短语,用来描述人们因为压力、焦虑等原因而感到不安和疲惫的状态。


1. She has been feeling stressed out lately due to her heavy workload. (她最近因为工作量大而感到焦虑不安。)

stressed out英语翻译

2. The students were stressed out before their final exams. (学生们在期末考试前都很紧张。)

3. I can tell that you're really stressed out about the presentation tomorrow. (我能感觉到你对明天的演讲很焦虑。)

4. He took a few days off from work to relax and de-stress after being constantly stressed out for weeks. (在连续几周处于紧张状态后,他休了几天假来放松和缓解压力。)

5. The job was so demanding and stressful that she eventually became completely stressed out and had to quit. (这份工作要求非常高,压力也很大,最终她完全承受不住而辞职了。)


1. Anxious: 形容词,意为“焦虑的”,也可以用来形容人们因为压力和担忧而感到不安。

例句:He was anxious about his upcoming job interview. (他对即将到来的工作面试感到焦虑。)

2. Stressed: 形容词,意为“紧张的”,通常用来形容人们因为压力、焦虑等原因而感到不安和疲惫。

例句:She has been feeling stressed and overwhelmed with her new responsibilities. (她对新的责任感到紧张和不知所措。)

3. Overwhelmed: 形容词,意为“不知所措的”,通常用来形容人们因为压力、焦虑等原因而感到不安和疲惫。

例句:The team was overwhelmed with the amount of work they had to finish in a short period of time. (团队在短时间内完成大量工作,感到不知所措。)


stressed out是一个常用的形容词短语,用来描述人们因为压力、焦虑等原因而感到不安和疲惫的状态。它可以与其他同义词如anxious、stressed和overwhelmed一起使用,来进一步强调人们处于紧张状态。在日常生活中,我们可以使用这些词汇来描述自己或他人的情绪状态,并采取相应措施来缓解压力和焦虑。


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