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英 ['stæʃ] 美 [stæʃ]


n. 藏匿处;藏品;私房钱

vt. 藏匿;隐藏

vi. 藏匿;隐藏


例句1:She has a stash of money hidden under her mattress. 她在床垫下面藏了一笔钱。

例句2:The thief stashed the stolen goods in a secret location. 小偷将偷来的物品藏在一个秘密地点。

例句3:I have a stash of chocolates in my drawer for emergency cravings. 我抽屉里有一些巧克力,以备不时之需。

例句4:He stashed his passport in his sock to prevent it from getting stolen. 他把藏在袜子里,以防止被偷走。

例句5:The smugglers stashed the drugs inside the car tires to avoid detection at the border. 者将藏在车轮胎里,以避免在边境被。


1. Hide (v.) - to put or keep something out of sight; to conceal

e.g. He hid the treasure in a secret location.

2. Conceal (v.) - to keep something secret or hidden

e.g. She concealed her true identity from her colleagues.

3. Hoard (n./v.) - a large amount of something that is kept hidden or stored for future use; to accumulate and store something in large quantities

e.g. The dragon had a hoard of gold in its lair.

4. Cache (n.) - a collection of items that have been hidden away for future use; a secret storage place

e.g. The spy left a cache of documents at the drop-off location.

5. Stow (v.) - to pack or store something carefully and securely

e.g. He stowed his luggage in the overhead compartment on the plane.


Stash是一个多义词,作为名词时指的是藏匿处、藏品或私房钱,作为动词时指的是将东起来或隐藏起来。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到stash这个词,特别是在描述秘密或私人物品时。除了上述提到的同义词外,还可以根据具体语境使用其他同义词如conceal, hide等。当我们需要描述某物被藏匿、隐藏或存放时,可以使用stash这个单词来增强语言表达的准确性和多样性。


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