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staff morale

[stɑːf mə'ræl]

1. noun

Staff morale refers to the overall level of satisfaction, motivation, and well-being among employees in a company or organization.

staff morale

2. usage

Staff morale is an important factor in determining the success of a company or organization. It can affect employee productivity, job satisfaction, and retention rates.

3. example

1) The CEO held a meeting to address the low staff morale in the company.


2) The company organized team-building activities to boost staff morale.


3) A positive work culture can greatly improve staff morale.


4) The management's decision to cut benefits has greatly affected staff morale.


5) The increase in salary has significantly improved staff morale.


4. synonym

Synonyms for staff morale include employee satisfaction, team spirit, motivation, and job engagement.

5. summary

In summary, staff morale refers to the overall level of satisfaction and well-being among employees in a company or organization. It is an important factor that can greatly impact employee productivity and retention rates. Companies should prioritize creating a positive work culture and providing benefits that can improve staff morale. Synonyms for staff morale include employee satisfaction, team spirit, motivation, and job engagement.


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