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1. 西门子:德国一家跨国公司,主要从事电子和电气工程领域的制造、工程和服务业务。


Siemens is a German multinational company that specializes in manufacturing, engineering, and service businesses in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering.

2. 怎么读:发音为 [ˈsiːmənz],重音在第一个音节。

How to pronounce: It is pronounced as [ˈsiːmənz], with the stress on the first syllable.

3. 用法:作为一个名词,指代德国西门子公司。也可以用作形容词,表示与西门子公司相关的。

Usage: As a noun, it refers to the German company Siemens. It can also be used as an adjective, meaning related to Siemens.

4. 例句:

1) The new high-speed train was equipped with advanced technology from Siemens.


2) The partnership between Siemens and the local government has greatly boosted the development of the city.


3) My father has been working at Siemens for over 20 years.


4) The students were invited to visit the Siemens factory and learn about its production process.


5) The new wind turbines installed by Siemens have greatly increased the electricity output of the wind farm.


5. 同义词及用法:Siemens还有一些同义词,如Siemens AG、Siemens Corporation等。它们都指代同一家公司,只是名称略有不同。此外,也可以用其他词语来替换,如German company Siemens、multinational conglomerate Siemens等。

Synonyms and usage: Siemens also has some synonyms, such as Siemens AG, Siemens Corporation, etc. They all refer to the same company, with slightly different names. In addition, it can also be replaced by other words, such as German company Siemens, multinational conglomerate Siemens, etc.

6. 编辑总结:西门子作为德国的知名跨国公司,在电子和电气工程领域拥有强大的实力和影响力。其先进的技术和产品被广泛应用于各个领域,为人们的生活带来便利和改善。通过学习西门子,我们可以更好地了解德国企业文化和德国制造的。


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