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rosette stage

[名] 雅莲花阶段

[读音] /rəʊˈzɛt ˈsteɪdʒ/

[用法] 名词,指在植物生命周期中的一个特定阶段,通常是指开花前的最后一个阶段。这个阶段也被称为花蕾期,因为在这个阶段植物的花蕾开始形成,并且可以看到未来的花朵。

rosette stage


1. The rosette stage is an important phase in the life cycle of a plant.


2. During the rosette stage, the plant starts to produce buds that will eventually turn into flowers.


3. The rosette stage usually occurs after the vegetative growth stage and before the flowering stage.


4. The rosette stage can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the type of plant.


5. Some plants may skip the rosette stage and go straight to flowering, while others may have multiple rosette stages before producing flowers.



1. Bud stage: This is another term used to describe the rosette stage, as it refers to the formation of flower buds during this phase.


2. Pre-flowering stage: This is a more general term that can be used to refer to any stage before the plant starts producing flowers, including the rosette stage.


3. Vegetative growth stage: This is the stage in which a plant focuses on growing its leaves and stems, before entering the rosette or flowering stages.


4. Reproductive phase: This term can be used to describe both the rosette and flowering stages, as they both involve the production of reproductive structures such as flowers and seeds.


[编辑总结] 雅莲花阶段是植物生命周期中一个重要的阶段,它标志着植物即将开花。在这个阶段,植物开始形成花蕾,并且可以看到未来的花朵。这个阶段可以持续几天到几周不等,取决于植物的种类。同义词包括花蕾期、开花前期和营养生长期。编辑建议在词典中加入这个词条,并提供详细的释义和例句来帮助读者更好地理解这个概念。


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