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1. adj. 退休的;隐居的;谦虚的

2. v. 退休;离开;隐退

3. n. 退休;隐居

1. He is a retiring man who prefers to live a quiet life.


2. The retiring professor has been teaching at the university for over forty years.


3. She is known for her retiring personality and rarely speaks up in public.


4. After retiring from his job, he decided to travel around the world.


5. The company held a retirement party for its long-time employees who were retiring this year.



1. shy, modest, unassuming

2. leave, resign, quit

3. withdrawal, retreat

Retiring refers to the act of leaving one's job or withdrawing from society in order to live a quieter and more secluded life. It can also describe someone who is modest and unassuming in their behavior.

The word can be pronounced as "rɪˈtaɪərɪŋ" with the emphasis on the second syllable.

Retiring can be used as both an adjective and a verb.

As an adjective, it describes someone who is retiring, meaning they are leaving their job or withdrawing from society. It can also describe someone who is modest and unassuming in their behavior.

As a verb, it refers to the act of retiring, meaning to leave one's job or withdraw from society. It can also mean to retreat or withdraw from a situation.

Here are some examples of how to use retiring in a sentence:

1. The retiring CEO was honored for his many years of service to the company.

2. She announced her plans for retiring at the end of the year.

3. He is looking forward to retiring and spending more time with his family.

4. The shy and retiring woman surprised everyone when she gave an impassioned speech at the conference.

5. After years of working in a fast-paced city, he decided it was time to retire and lead a more retiring lifestyle in the countryside.

Synonyms for retiring include shy, modest, and unassuming. These words all describe someone who is humble and not seeking attention or recognition. They can also be used interchangeably with retiring in certain contexts.

In conclusion, retiring is a versatile word that can be used as both an adjective and a verb. It describes the act of leaving one's job or withdrawing from society, as well as someone who is modest and unassuming in their behavior. Its synonyms include shy, modest, and unassuming.


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