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1. raybox作为名词,可用来指代实际的物体,如:

- The photographer used a raybox to create interesting light patterns.(摄影师使用了光线盒子来创造有趣的光线图案。)

- The scientist used a raybox to study the behavior of light.(科学家使用了光线盒子来研究光的行为。)

2. raybox也可以用作动词,表示使用或操作光线盒子,如:

- She rayboxed the room to create a romantic atmosphere.(她用光线盒子照亮房间,营造浪漫氛围。)

- The technician is currently rayboxing the laser system for calibration.(技术员正在使用光线盒子校准激光。)


1. The artist used a raybox to project different colors onto the canvas, creating a stunning visual effect.


2. The physics students were amazed by the experiments they conducted with the raybox, which helped them understand the nature of light.


3. The technician adjusted the angle of the raybox to create a specific lighting effect for the photoshoot.


4. The raybox is an essential tool for photographers and filmmakers, as it allows them to control and manipulate light to achieve their desired effects.


5. By using a raybox, scientists were able to demonstrate how light travels in a straight line and can be reflected or refracted.



1. Light box:与raybox含义相似,指装载着光线的盒子。

- The artist used a light box to trace the image onto the canvas.(艺术家使用光线盒子将图像投影到画布上。)

- The light box is an important tool for animators to create animations.(光线盒子是动画师创作动画的重要工具。)

2. Light panel:也可以指代光线盒子,但通常指比较薄的面板状装置。

- The photographer used a light panel to create a soft and diffused light for the portrait.(摄影师使用光线面板为肖像创造柔和的散射光。)

- The light panel can be easily adjusted to achieve different lighting effects.(光线面板可以轻松调整,以达到不同的灯光效果。)

3. Lightbox:与raybox拼写相似,也可以指代装载着光线的盒子。

- The designer used a lightbox to showcase their products in the exhibition.(设计师使用光线盒子在展览会上展示他们的产品。)

- The lightbox provides a uniform and consistent lighting for product photography.(光线盒子为产品摄影提供了均匀一致的灯光。)

4. Illumination box:也可以用来指代raybox,表示能够照亮物体或场景的装置。

- The scientist used an illumination box to study the effects of different colored lights on plant growth.(科学家使用照明箱来研究不同颜色的灯光对植物生长的影响。)

- The illumination box is an important tool for microscopy, providing a light source for observing small specimens.(照明箱是显微镜的重要工具,为观察小样本提供光源。)


总的来说,raybox是一个指代“光线盒子”的英文单词,可以作为名词和动词使用,用来表示实际的物体或操作这一装置。它与其他类似的同义词如light box、light panel等都有着相似的含义,但可能有些许差别。对于摄影师、科学家、艺术家等领域的人士来说,raybox是一种重要的工具,可以帮助他们和操纵光线来达到所需的效果。


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