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quiz show

['kwɪz ʃoʊ]

n. 知识问答节目

Quiz show is a type of television show that involves contestants answering questions on various ics to win prizes.

quiz show

1. 你喜欢看quiz show吗?

Do you like watching quiz shows?

2. 最近有什么好看的quiz show推荐吗?

Do you have any recommendations for good quiz shows to watch recently?

3. 我每天晚上都会看一集quiz show来放松。

I watch one episode of a quiz show every night to relax.

4. 这个quiz show的奖金很诱人,我想参加。

The prize money for this quiz show is very tempting, I want to participate.

5. 在这个quiz show上,选手需要快速反应和丰富的知识储备。

On this quiz show, contestants need quick reflexes and a wealth of knowledge.

同义词:game show, trivia game

Quiz shows are often referred to as game shows or trivia games as they involve answering questions in a competitive format.

编辑总结:Quiz shows are popular television programs that test contestants' knowledge on various ics through question and answer rounds. They provide entertainment and the opportunity for viewers to learn new information while also offering prizes for participants. Similar terms for quiz shows include game shows and trivia games, which highlight the competitive aspect of these programs.


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