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positivity bias

[ˌpɑːzəˈtɪvəti ˈbaɪəs]


Positivity bias refers to the tendency of individuals to focus on and remember positive information more strongly than negative information.


Positivity bias is pronounced as [ˌpɑːzəˈtɪvəti ˈbaɪəs].

positivity bias


Positivity bias can be observed in various aspects of life, such as decision making, memory recall, and social interactions.

Example sentences:

1. Despite facing numerous challenges, she always maintains a positivity bias and focuses on the good things in life.


2. The media often have a positivity bias when reporting on certain events, which can skew the public's perception.


3. People with a strong positivity bias tend to have a more optimistic outlook on life and are less affected by negative experiences.


4. The teacher's positivity bias towards her students helped boost their confidence and motivation in class.


5. It is important to recognize our own positivity bias and strive for a more balanced perspective in order to make well-informed decisions.



1. Optimism: a tendency to expect the best outcome or see the good in situations.

2. Rose-colored glasses: an idiom used to describe a positive and optimistic outlook.

3. Confirmation bias: a tendency to search for, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or biases.

4. Pollyannaism: an excessively or blindly optimistic attitude.

5. Selective memory: the process of remembering only certain information while disregarding others.

Editor's summary:

Positivity bias is a common phenomenon where individuals tend to focus on and remember positive information more strongly than negative information. It can be observed in various aspects of life and can have both positive and negative effects. It is important to recognize our own positivity bias and strive for a more balanced perspective in order to make well-informed decisions. Synonyms for positivity bias include optimism, rose-colored glasses, confirmation bias, pollyannaism, and selective memory.


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