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n. 美味的食物;令人愉悦的事物

oishi is a noun that means something delicious or pleasant in Japanese.


1. When used as a noun, oishi refers to food that is delicious or something that brings pleasure.

2. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something as delicious or enjoyable.

Example Sentences:

1. The sushi at this restaurant is oishi! (这家餐厅的寿司很美味!)

2. I had an oishi experience at the amusement park. (我在游乐园有一个令人愉悦的经历。)

3. This cake looks oishi, can I have a bite? (这个蛋糕看起来很美味,我可以尝一口吗?)

4. The chef's special dish was truly oishi, I couldn't s eating it. (厨师的特色菜真的很好吃,我简直停不下来。)

5. The movie was not only visually stunning but also emotionally oishi. (这部电影不仅视觉上令人惊叹,情感上也很让人愉悦。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Oishii: This is the original Japanese word for "delicious" and can be used interchangeably with oishi.

2. Yummy: This is a slang term that means something tastes good and can be used as a synonym for oishi.

3. Tasty: This word also means something is delicious and can be used in place of oishi.

4. Pleasant: This word can be used as a synonym for oishi when referring to something that brings pleasure or enjoyment.

5. Delectable: This word means extremely delicious and can be used to describe food or experiences.

Editor's Summary:

Oishi is a versatile word that can be used both as a noun and an adjective. It originated from Japanese and refers to something delicious or pleasant. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing food, experiences, or even emotions. Some synonyms for oishi include oishii, yummy, tasty, pleasant, and delectable. As an editor, it is important to use this word accurately and appropriately in order to convey the intended meaning to the readers.


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