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mosaic plagiarism


1. 意思:mosaic plagiarism是一种学术不端行为,指的是将多个来源的句子、段落或文章片段拼接在一起,形成新的文本,却没有进行适当引用或标注。这种行为违反了学术诚信原则,被认为是抄袭的一种形式。

2. 怎么读:[meɪ'zeɪɪk,plə'dʒɪərɪz(ə)m]。mosaic读作“mey-zey-ik”,意为“马赛克”,plagiarism读作“pley-juh-riz-uhm”,意为“剽窃”。

mosaic plagiarism

3. 用法:mosaic plagiarism常用于描述学术作品中出现的抄袭行为。它可以指涉整篇文章、特定段落或单个句子中存在的抄袭现象。

4. 例句:

(1) The student was accused of mosaic plagiarism for copying and pasting information from multiple sources without proper citation.


(2) The professor carefully checked each student's paper for any signs of mosaic plagiarism.


(3) The journal rejected the submission due to the presence of mosaic plagiarism, which violated their publication ethics.


(4) The author was accused of mosaic plagiarism after it was discovered that large portions of their book were lifted from other published works.


(5) The university has strict policies in place to prevent mosaic plagiarism and educate students on proper citation practices.


5. 同义词及用法:mosaic plagiarism可以与其他类似的术语互换使用,patchwork plagiarism、collage plagiarism、recycling plagiarism等。它们都指涉将多个来源的文本拼接在一起,却未经适当引用或标注。另外,mosaic plagiarism也可以与其他类型的抄袭进行区分,如verbatim plagiarism(逐字抄袭)、paraphrasing plagiarism(改写式抄袭)等。

6. 编辑总结:mosaic plagiarism是一种学术不端行为,指涉将多个来源的文本拼接在一起,却未经适当引用或标注。它违反了学术诚信原则,被认为是抄袭的一种形式。为了避免这种行为,学生和学者应该养成良好的引用习惯,同时也需要严格遵守出版伦理规范。


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