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meeting people

[ˈmiːtɪŋ ˈpiːpl]

1. Meaning:

meeting people

Meeting people refers to the act of interacting with or getting to know new individuals, often in a social or professional setting.

2. Pronunciation:

[ˈmiːtɪŋ ˈpiːpl]

3. Usage:

Meeting people can be used as a noun phrase or a verb phrase, depending on the context. As a noun phrase, it refers to the event or activity of meeting new individuals. As a verb phrase, it describes the action of interacting with or getting to know new people.

4. Examples:

1) The conference was a great opportunity for networking and meeting people from different industries.


2) I love traveling because it allows me to meet people from all over the world and learn about different cultures.


3) My job as a sales representative requires me to constantly go out and meet people.


4) She's not very good at meeting people, so she prefers staying at home and reading books.


5) We have a weekly team meeting where we discuss our progress and also have some time for meeting new team members.


5. Synonyms and Usage:

- Socializing: This is a more informal term for meeting people, often used in casual settings such as parties or gatherings.

- Networking: This refers to the act of making contacts and building relationships with people for professional purposes.

- Mingling: This describes the act of interacting with different people in a social setting, often used in a positive sense.

- Making acquaintances: This refers to the process of getting to know new people and establishing a relationship with them, often used in a formal context.

6. Editor's Summary:

Meeting people is an essential part of our social and professional lives. It allows us to expand our network, learn about different cultures and perspectives, and even make new friends. Whether it's through networking events, social gatherings, or simply striking up a conversation with someone new, meeting people can lead to valuable connections and experiences. So don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to someone new – you never know what opportunities may arise from meeting people!


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