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maroon5在被禁,是指美国乐队Maroon 5由于其成员亚当·莱文(Adam Levine)在2019年的一次采访中对的不当言论而遭到的处罚,导致该乐队在的演出和相关活动被。这一引发了广泛的关注和讨论,也引起了人们对言论自由和文化差异的思考。


maroon5 [məˈruːn fɪv]



作为一个名词,maroon5通常指代美国乐队Maroon 5。作为一个动词,它可以表示、限制或阻止某事物发生。


1. Maroon 5's concert in China was cancelled due to the controversy caused by Adam Levine's inappropriate comments. (由于亚当·莱文不当言论引发的争议,Maroon 5在的演唱会被取消了。)

2. The Chinese government has marooned Maroon 5 from entering the country for any future performances. (已经Maroon 5未来再进入该国进行任何演出。)

3. Many Chinese fans were disappointed when they heard the news that Maroon 5's concert in China was banned. (许多粉丝听说Maroon 5在的演唱会被后感到失望。)

4. The controversy surrounding Maroon 5's ban in China has sparked a debate about cultural sensitivity and freedom of speech. (围绕Maroon 5在被禁的争议引发了一场关于文化敏感性和言论自由的辩论。)

5. Despite the ban, Maroon 5's music is still popular among Chinese fans and their songs are often played on Chinese radio stations. (尽管遭到,但Maroon 5的音乐仍受到粉丝的欢迎,他们的歌曲经常在的电台播放。)


1. Ban (verb): prohibit, forbid, bar, restrict

例句:The government has banned Maroon 5 from performing in China.

(已经Maroon 5在演出。)

2. Prohibition (noun): restriction, ban, embargo

例句:The prohibition of Maroon 5's concert in China caused a lot of controversy.

(对Maroon 5在演唱会的禁令引发了很多争议。)

3. Censorship (noun): control, suppression, restriction

例句:Many people criticized the censorship of Maroon 5's music in China.

(许多人批评了对Maroon 5音乐在的审查。)

4. Blacklist (noun): exclude, ostracize,

例句:After the controversy, Maroon 5 was put on a blacklist by the Chinese government.

(在争议后,Maroon 5被列入了黑。)

5. Embargo (noun): ban, prohibition, restriction

例句:The embargo on Maroon 5's concert in China was a result of their lead singer's comments.

(对Maroon 5在演唱会的禁令是该乐队主唱言论的结果。)


Maroon 5在被禁一事,引发了人们对言论自由和文化差异的思考。虽然这一给乐队带来了负面影响,但也提醒我们应该尊重不同和文化的差异,并谨慎表达自己的观点。同时,它也反映出对维护形象和社会稳定的重视。作为词典编辑翻译人员,在撰写释义内容时,应该客观、准确地介绍相关,并提供多样化的同义词及用法,以便读者更全面地了解该词语的含义。


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