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1. Litera (n.) : a unit of written language, usually representing one or more sounds or concepts.

(名词) 字母:语言中的一个书写单位,通常一个或多个音或概念。


2. Pronunciation: /ˈlɪtərə/

(发音) /ˈlɪtərə/

3. Usage: Litera is commonly used to refer to any of the letters of an alphabet or writing system. It can also refer to the act of reading and writing, as well as the study of literature.

(用法) Litera通常用来指代字母表或文字中的任意一个字母。它也可以指阅读和写作的行为,以及文学研究。

4. Examples:

1) The English alphabet has 26 letters, each representing a different litera.


2) She spent hours practicing her handwriting and perfecting each litera.


3) The study of litera can provide insight into a culture's history and development.


4) In literature class, we learned about the different types of litera used in poetry.


5) The student struggled with spelling because she couldn't remember the correct order of the literas in the word.


5. Synonyms: letter, character, symbol

(同义词) 字母、字符、符号

6. Editor's summary: Litera is a fundamental unit of written language, used to represent sounds and concepts. It can refer to individual letters or the act of reading and writing, as well as the study of literature. Practicing litera can improve handwriting and spelling skills, while studying it can provide insight into a culture's history and development. Synonyms for litera include letter, character, and symbol.


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